Tag: election
Why the Democrats Lost?
Why did the democrats loose this election cycle? Were they over confidant? Were they convinced that they were right while the rest of the planet were wrong? Are they sick? Do they need mental help?
Trump Elect
This is a moment that if the Media had their way we would never have seen. In fact they had to be dragged “Kicking and Screaming” to the (Decision Desk) to do the right thing. Fox News was screaming loudly… Like a prating child. It was a late night and the Media typically was not…
Media delaying election results
Is the Media attempting to try to manipulate the election results. When you look at what is happening it is obvious that Trump is going to win. Arizona, Pennsylvania, Michigan, The election is over.
Trump Wins
Trump Wins the 2016 Election of the United States of America in the face of attacks by the media even by Megyn Kelly who is now changing her tune. They are now admitting that the Polls were just wrong. Now you can see the truth from the media. Now you can see what is happening…
Will the press prevail
The press are continuing to Bash Trump and they are not letting up at all. They keep on and on and on with all of these “Fake” news stories, including these talking points which have been proven to be false yet they continue to attempt to spin the news.
Remember what we are voting for
This is what and this is why we are voting about today. This is what we need to focus on. WE need to remember what this election is all about. This is why we need to vote today. We have a problem with people who do not understand the truth about why we need law…
Wall to Wall Election coverage
Welcome to the Media Circus Step Right up… Come one, Come all, See the Spectacle of the Frenzied Biased Media Apparatus. The Press has become this mixture of Entertainment, Information and Opinion. Right now the Media or Press or Ring Master, (circus reference) Are desperately trying to convince voters to stay home. One thing that…
Prediction and prognostication
Believing in what you think and see? The Media have a difficult job in trying to figure out where to assign a win or a loss in an election contest. Just think about it for a second. How hard must it be to call an election for one candidate or another with less than 2…
Media continues to spin election
The Media are continuing to attempt to influence the results of this election. This is incredible since one of the “Media’s Talking Points” is that Russia was doing what the Media are doing in an even more disgusting manner than exposing the truth. If you are sick of how the media are attempting to influence…
Media Exposed Faking Election
There is a report out that clearly shows something a little crazy. Though in this election the definition of crazy has to sort of change, the truth here is that we have a news media that are intent on changing the will of the people. The seriously appear to be so intent on not only…