It seems that there are so many things that are going on in this nation and so very often the news media seems to under report focusing on things that are of little importance compared to more serious issues like families, that are hungry, some even homeless, people living in substandard living areas, because they lost their jobs and their homes, it is really a problem.
What can we expect and when will we begin to see the hope the promise and the changes that we all hoped we would see.
The following was received by email, (may not represent the opinions thoughts or views of the owners, and or administrators of this website.)
Dear Patriot,
Obama and the Democrats are spending American treasure at a stupefying pace and mortgaging the American dream for our children and grandchildren. This kind of spending is more than just bad policy–it is immoral! Running up trillion dollar deficits without any plan to pay it back is nothing more than stealing from those who are in no position to defend themselves. This generational theft is being advanced by a group of immoral criminals led by President Obama and is not even being used to benefit the American people. Instead, it is being used to enrich a handful of this President’s political allies.
During each spending binge the federal government has been making promises, but how have they done?
1: Promise: If we pass a stimulus package, unemployment won’t go above 8%.
Result: What did we get for our nearly $800,000,000,000 dollars? Unemployment remains above 9% and more than 14 million people remain out of work with another 30 million people who are still underemployed. The latest job report shows that the economy has gained exactly 0 jobs in the last month.
2: Promise: The only way that we could open up the credit markets for regular Americans was to pump trillions of dollars into the banks.
Result: The banks pocket trillions of dollars both directly and indirectly (through 0% interest loans from the FED), but credit remains nearly impossible to attain for most Americans. Housing market remains deflated because Americans are unable to qualify for home loans.
3: Promise: ObamaCare will reduce insurance premiums for all Americans and if you like your insurance you will be able to keep it.
Result: After passage, premiums skyrocket and this increase forces many businesses to stop offering insurance at all.
I could go on and on, but on this Labor Day I want you to think about what you have gotten in return for this government immorally stealing from our children. There is no high speed rail; there is no infrastructure improvement; credit remains locked up; and the housing market remains in the toilet. There are fewer jobs than before, the economy remains in turmoil, people are losing their healthcare, and both social security and medicare are racing towards bankruptcy. This government has mortgaged the prosperity of our children and grandchildren and failed to accomplish ANYTHING!
It is going to take a heroic effort to reverse the damage that has been done over the last few years. We must continue to make our voice heard through our state-of-the-art petition systems, and we must continue to recruit more hard working Americans so that we can expose the corruption that threatens the future of American exceptionalism. For every 25 dollars you contribute, you give us the resources we need to recruit 50 new members. Your generous contribution gives us the resources we need to fight back!
Thank you,
Todd Cefaratti
Freedom Organizer