Christmas, is about tradition, but also it is about a story, about a babe in a manger, about the religious beliefs of hundreds of millions of people, this nation was founded on that belief.
It is why we have in God we trust on our money.
So what is up with this, there is no coverage for Christmas this year.
Over the last three years there has been a movie that was about the Christmas season.
But not this year, thanks Hollywood.
It is really interesting, because what we are watching is Politically Corruptness in high gear, so what now its unpopular to celebrate Christmas?
Why is that?
We have to ask because it seems that this idea that you cant have freedom of religion, in this nation which was founded on that premise, that my friends is a sickness and a disease, when you exclude everything, in our lives, that reminds us of Christmas, what does that do really?
No I mean it think about it, what does that do, why should I care about buying presents for the “holidays” a holiday is not special, it is not anything, it is generic.
An alleged 70 percent of toy sales are done during the “Christmas” season.
Which means that if these jerks want your money for Christmas Gifts, perhaps they might consider the idea that if they are successful in killing Christmas, will they not also kill an entire industry of gift giving?
The answer to that is also Yes, they would kill a multi million dollar seasonal tradition which has been a part of the American lifestyle for many many years.
So does that really make any sense at all?
Think about it, if all the people in the world just abandon Christmas, and the season because it might offend one person then millions of jobs would be lost, hundreds of thousands of people would starve to death, because do Christmas soup kitchens serve thousands of meals during the Christmas season?
What would happen to all those people because if a Christmas tree is offensive to one person in Texas and so the Bank Chase allegedly demands that all Christmas trees be removed, how does that really help anyone?
That is what is wrong with this country, no one is thinking, the lights on in congress but no one is home.