Should the media be banned from influencing the outcomes of elections?
Should they be actively seeking to develop methods of influence and then charging large multi-national corporations, (which pay no taxes) to peddle that influence on a broadcast?
Opinion for sale to the highest bidder? Is that news, Really?
Is the media now a participant in the political process and if so is it fair for the media to take sides in this process which is and has ever been that of the people by the people for the people. If you were to go to a boxing match and the announcer suddenly started punching one opponent, the first thing that you would think would be “What the Heck is going on” this is a boxing contest between two opponents not two against one, but that is really what is going on when you look at what the media did in 2008 and has continued to do for the last three years.
Yet, apparently most of America has either not noticed or they are blind to what the media has been doing.
Are they really that slick that they can operate behind smoke filled rooms carefully planning on who will be the next president of the United States, and if that is going on, how is that a fair contest?
The press and the media used to report the news, now they are becoming the news story.
Will the people allow the media to attempt to influence and control the voting process through allegedly unfair coverage of the political process.
In the boxing analogy above, it would be insane to consider two against one a fair contest yet, that is really what the media is doing pretending to cover the news but really inventing the news according to their own ideas of what they “think the news should be.
When you consider the entire story then you have to acknowledge that the media has been actively participating in the political election process for some time now, but until the internet no one knew what they were up to or few people knew it because the media cannot actively report on their own behaviors can they?