Tag: Broadcast

  • zimmerman juror breaks rules?

    You might wonder about the Juror that came out and made statements about the Zimmerman case. On ABC yesterday there was an instance of “bobble head bias” They had an interview with the Juror, who apparently had second thoughts about her decision. The truth about this left leaning broadcast, was that there were several facts…

  • MSNBC again involved in deception?

    What is deception? something that deceives or is intended to deceive; fraud; artifice. Working for MSNBC has gone to Joe Scarborough’s head, or at least his ears. The Joe of “Morning Joe, broadcast on the “Lean Forward” network, was caught in the latest TV video scandal because he won’t listen. During his Wednesday broadcast, Scarborough…

  • biased CNN debate tonight

    Well time for CNN to have yet allegedly another biased news media eventwhere  they may be likely to ask questions that are unfair and biased in nature. You just have to wonder in part why put up with a news company thatis not really a news company at all? You have to wonder when you…

  • Media Bias the Third man in the ring?

    Should the media be banned from influencing the outcomes of elections? Should they be actively seeking to develop methods of influence and then charging large multi-national corporations, (which pay no taxes) to peddle that influence on a broadcast?  Opinion for sale to the highest bidder?   Is that news, Really? Is the media now a participant…

  • FTC in the wrong?

    Is the FTC biting off more than it can chew in trying to regulate the internet, Broadcast, TV, Cable TV, Subscriber lines, Radio, what will be next, free speech? will you one day wake up to find that you can no longer express an opinion? When good men do not stand up to the oppressive…