City of Phildelphia to Violate State and Federal Laws?

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Will the City of Philadelphia attempt to subvert Federal Commerce law in favor of regulating commerce on the Internet, as one popular story seems to be stating that the city is entitled to charge every blogger a fee to post on their blogs.

Now that is just plain stupid, you know what the answer to this is?

Vote those idiots out of office.

Yes you know the ones with the big paychecks…

Vote them out.

Ladies and Gentlemen, all otheres are excluded from this conversation.

If you really want to understand what this is about then you need to read the following two nicely ” LEGAL” Articles, which will put it all into perspective and hopefuly lay this to rest, because to be honest, no one city can ever hope to regulate internet activity.

The below ACT prohibits a city which is subject to the state, to regulate Interstate commerce and it also prohibits, regulation of Intrastate Commerce.

So to all the chattering crowd, this means that the city has no right nor any legal grounds to successfuly defend its actions in court.

Most Cities are terrified of being dragged into court, more so if they are in the wrong as they are in this case, please see the second link below which defines the Pennslyvania, laws governing intrastate commerce.

Also see this on

Once you read the two articles above, you will readily see that only a State can legally regulate a business permit, for this class of business, simply because unless the state agrees and in this case they will not.

The city of Phildelphia has no legal grounds to enforce, this
$300 Yes, Virginia, it is a Tax.

Simple as that, seriously, that is all there is to it now if the state of Pennsylvania decides to charge all internet bloggers in the state of Pennsylvania, some of which they will be related to, then yes, it will be legal, but and here is where the road meets the rubber,

This is only if the Federal Government, allows the state to supercede, the Federal Act governing Internet activities, and that is not going to happen.

So again, this is about intimidation, if the city can threaten you into paying them
$300 bucks, then they can, but if you dont pay it they can do nothing legally to enforce it,

Really interesting conversation here, lots of strong feelings, and Semi facts, even some that claimed they had the facts and others were incorrect.