Category: 2016 media bias

  • Learning a lesson?

    You might think that the Media would learn a lesson here however that does not appear to be something that the liberals in the media understand much about. As Smart as they “Think” they are it is really surprising to the average ordinary person when you realize that the Media learned nothing from the humiliation…

  • Wall to Wall Election coverage

    Welcome to the Media Circus Step Right up… Come one, Come all, See the Spectacle of the Frenzied Biased Media Apparatus. The Press has become this mixture of Entertainment, Information and Opinion. Right now the Media or Press or Ring Master, (circus reference) Are desperately trying to convince voters to stay home. One thing that…

  • Manipulating the polls

    Earlier in the week you saw Poll Numbers change and it was not because there was an actual change in the poll numbers. It was because the Media decided that they needed to show something different otherwise the few people that believe in anything the media tell you is true would start to suspect that…

  • election coverage who cares?

    election coverage who cares?

    Who really cares about how the media are covering the election because “At this Point What Difference does it make?” The Holidays are upon us and you can already see “Black Friday” Sales which are not really sales at all when you look at what the price discounts are however it does appear that the…

  • Media continues to spin election

    The Media are continuing to attempt to influence the results of this election. This is incredible since one of the “Media’s Talking Points” is that Russia was doing what the Media are doing in an even more disgusting manner than exposing the truth. If you are sick of how the media are attempting to influence…

  • Mike Pence

    You may not have seen much of the truth when watching the lap dog media. Mike Pence is a great speaker. Who cares about what will happen next? We are interested in fixing the broken system and you know what else that includes ? The broken Press… The current system of reporting the news is…

  • Truth about Media

    More Media bias… The media seem to have no understanding about what is what when it comes to reality. Americans like Trump and they are going to vote for what is best for america. Pundits do not seem to understand the truth. Who do you believe? Who is best for America? Why have the media…

  • Press continue to undermine US election?

    Is the press otherwise known as the Mass Media trying to influence the election results? Of course they have been doing this for many years. Watch this as a CNN reporter thought that she knew more than her guests did. When you look at how the media seem to be oblivious to the facts about…

  • Press Becoming Desperate

    Despite beating the Trump Drum, which is mostly much ado about Nothing… The Press and the Media are watching as their candidate is loosing this election. No matter what they do it keeps coming out negative for the democrats. They keep on pushing non issues that people neither believe nor trust and it is because…

  • The media must be terrified?

    Why is the News media so Scared? There is no other explanation other than they are terrified that everything they are trying to do is not going to work. They are terrified that all that negative press coverage of Trump is not going to work the way they wanted it to work. When you think…