Big News, Majority of Americans lack faith in Obama?

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Many people just want to know why? They want to know, can we trust the man?

When a Man comes to you and says I will do this if you vote for me, and then later he does something totally different, it leaves you wondering, about if you can trust any politician, shades of read my lips no new taxes, a famous battle cry, but also the reason why only one term was granted by the people.

Why are liberals so Bent, on forcing their liberal viewpoint on the rest of America?

Is this for real, we are only days away from November elections, but the liberals in congress act like they intend to become dictators.

So what do you think, we have reliable data, and even polls that tell us that what Washington is doing, 80 percent of the American people do not like it, they don’t want it, in fact, in 90 percent of the recent elections, democrats are not doing so hot.

So what is up with that, I mean any politician, worth his salt can figure out how the wind blows, President Clinton was a genius when it came to running this country, in a way and I cant believe I am saying this but I miss Bill.

Yes, you heard it first here, I am a Reagan Card Toting, republican and I wish Bill would come back.

We see some of the most crazy stuff out of this white house.

Lawsuits against States trying to protect its citizens from Murdering Cowards.

And the white house comes in and files a law suit, that is insane, but you know what I am glad, because it will be so much easier to vote against, them, vote them out, because they dont care what you think, they lie, and they lie, and they spin and they spin, but they have no truth in them, it is time to vote them out, that goes for republicans, too like Lindsey Graham, Vote that Bugger out.

Barney Frank, Time to go,

Harry Reid, your Gone, pack your bags, we are sick of all the lies, you cant treat us like were stupid, no sir not any more.

We are educated, we are not dumb, it is time for these donkeys in Washington to go.

Vote them out.