The problem here is that there is nothing wrong with the law in Arizona, there is nothing wrong with Americans that have a desire to be able to pursuit of happiness…
There is no reason to believe that Arizona has no right to defend itself this is a clear tenth amendment case and I can tell you that the law is valid, just because the liberals want to play games with American business does not mean that they have a right to do so.
I fully support Arizona in its pursuit of its rights to liberty and the citizens who also have rights to live in peace.
Just search Google for the term murder in Arizona and see how many people have been murdered in Arizona…
The governor had to do something with so many border murders happening, what do the liberals think should be happening, should we allow American citizens to die, just because liberals think that illegal aliens have more rights than citizens.
Watch the lies of the left in action?
The law is constitutional, it is based on existing federal law, perhaps this administration would like to open all the borders up and just let the bad guys in so they can do what ever they like?
The truth here is that we cannot allow people to just come in and do what they want to do without any enforcement action, no other nation in the world does that, and we will not either, if you think differently you cannot have read the bill, read it, it is not that hard to do.
Want to see more about this, try it right here right now.
Before you protest read the bill, it is something apparently no one does anymore.