In a nice email we received the following…
You know it is time, time to stand up for what you believe, time to vote, get out and vote them out.
Dear Patriot,
I would first like to thank the thousands of great Patriots who have supported our campaigns. Thanks to you, we are now one of the fastest growing political action groups in the country in addition to being one of the largest. The purpose of this email is not to ask for contributions. It is simply my thoughts on why we can never forget this day we now call 9/11.
Western Representation PAC was founded on the principle of keeping America strong and free. Seeing the direction we were heading under the control of self-serving career politicians, we knew that something had to be done to stop it. This organization is as much yours as it is ours.Without you, we would have never been able to make a difference we have already made in Nevada, Alaska and hopefully, Massachusetts on Tuesday.
In Memory: 9/11
On September 11th 2001, our lives and our nation changed forever. By this time on that day, 2997 innocent people had lost their lives from the actions of 19 terrorists. This is a day to remember those people and the nearly 6300 others who were injured. We must also acknowledge the sacrifice of over 6000 coalition troops, 5696 of which were American soldiers, who have died to protect our freedom in Iraq and Afghanistan along with so many more injured. We owe these brave men and women everything.
The events of 9/11 remind us of just how fragile and precious life is. It also serves as a reminder of the fragility of the freedoms we take for granted. It is difficult for most Americans to understand the culture of evil prevalent in the dark hearts of terrorists who place no value on innocent lives. We must, however, understand that this evil exists, leaving us the choice to fight or surrender to the inevitability of another attack.
Most of us remember exactly where we were and what we were doing the moment we saw the first news reports on the attack. I was in the middle of my 48 hour firefighter shift. Sometime around 5:30am, PST, a fellow firefighter knocked on the door of my room shouting for me to come see what was happening. News reporters were scrambling to build a story of what happened as the first tower burned. The horrific feeling inside me as the second plane hit the adjoining tower is still burned into my memory. America was under attack.
There was no context to place the horrific events we witnessed that day. When the first tower collapsed, I knew that hundreds of firefighters and emergency workers were in the process of making their way up the stairways in an attempt to save those trapped above the flames. As the buildings crumbled, I knew in that instant that those they hoped to save had perished along with those who were trying to save them.
For a brief time following the attack, America came together in a way I have not seen in my life. The acts of bravery and kindness freely given by so many broke though political and social divides. We were a nation under attack and suddenly helping each other came easy. Sadly, this bond has faded as we move further away from the attack. Today, let us remember how important our neighbors and communities became that day.
Let us also remember these events in November when we have a chance to remove the apologists and those politicians who forget that America is a sovereign nation, not a socialist regime. As voters, it is up to us to remind our elected officials just who they work for and that they can and will be replaced if they ever forget.
May we all take a moment of silence this day to remember the lives lost and the sacrifice of those placing themselves in harm’s way to make sure it does not happen again.
May God bless you and may God bless the United States of America.
Roger Stockton, Executive Treasurer
Western Representation PAC