Tag: polls

  • Amazing Election results

    The truth about this election will likely not be revealed until much later in this week, not because the media are churning up the election results they want to see either. Earlier today we noticed something really strange. Political Pundits Pontificating on the state of the election. They were actually making statements like “Too Close…

  • Election Day legal news

    In a nation where about half the people do not vote and the other half are evenly divided about everything you can imagine. We are about to see what may be a big legal battle and to prove  that have a look at this news story. Law360, New York (November 03, 2014, 7:10 PM ET)…

  • Hard Truths in Georgia

    The truth about what is happening in Georgia should be easy to understand.  If you have ever lived in Georgia you know that what the video below states is true. They provide busses to transport voters to the polls. Is that wrong, No not really but it is a little on the dishonest side, not…

  • Why Polls Mean Nothing…

    This year as in the past the Media (liberal therof, non reporting media) except when it benefits their agenda, usually begin to report how polls tell this what will happen in the future. The funny thing actually laughable thing here is that Polls really dont mean a thing in this or any election mostly because…

  • Nov 4th Election

    This year we are going to witness the true nature of American Voters. Most of us believe that Voters will come to the polls to “communicate” with Washington… The media have been gearing up for a huge white wash campaign. We believe that voting is the only way that we can make an impact. The…

  • should billionaires be able to buy the Senate?

    We see in the below news story that two men seek to overturn the will of the people by using money to try to stop the peoples voices from being heard. You may think that this is something that should be illegal and really it should be. source. ‘Gun-Grabber’ Michael Bloomberg ‘Targets’ Joni Ernst Conservative…

  • Too Little Too late

    If you live your life by the political polls you see on the TV, you might be very concerned about the way that Washington is dealing with the issues that have developed as a direct result of a premature withdrawal from Iraq. Some have even used the words dereliction of duty. Is there a point…

  • Political Hash Up

    Well let the Circus Begin, Phones began to ring Today. Polls being conducted by Computerized voices asking questions about how you feel about a lot of very important political issues on the agenda for this 2014 election season. The mud slinging has officially begun and it’s going to get down and dirty this season. Here…

  • Too Busy to Vote…

    Are you too busy to vote. If you are like many Americans who apparently do not really care about what is going on around them then you may be too busy to vote. This is becoming a serious problem, in fact in the last two elections a low percentage of people actually bothered to vote.…

  • Defeat Al Franken

    Remember a few years ago when a man who once wore a diaper as an adult was elected to the Senate by a narrow margin? Yes, We do too, how do you like it now? It is time to put a stop to liberal ignorance in America, Vote them out of office. Recent polling data…