Tag: Donald Trump

  • Donald Trump 45

    The next President of the United States of America has been elected and has taken office. The Media continued its negative slanted coverage for the most part however there was one exception at least for a day. Fox News had some fairly decent coverage except for a couple of poorly thought out comments by a…

  • Denial and Managing Grief

    Apparently everyone but the Media are fully aware that their candidate did not win the election. They are having a hard time… It can be difficult when your candidate does not win and as someone that has in the past seen this happen to others you can be somewhat sympathetic but not this time. The…

  • Why Fox News is refusing to call Georgia for Trump

    There is a real question going on here that many believe could create serious distrust for the network of Fox news. They are refusing to call Georgia for Donald Trump. There is a less than 5 percent chance that Clinton can win… Yet Fox news is refusing to tell the truth about Georgia.

  • Polls opening soon

    The Polls are opening soon and the Media are Foaming at the mouth to start proclaiming victory for their chosen candidate. In fact they have spent the last week trying to rehabilitate their candidate. They have been telling you for months that Donald Trump cannot Win that is is already over. But is that not…

  • election coverage who cares?

    election coverage who cares?

    Who really cares about how the media are covering the election because “At this Point What Difference does it make?” The Holidays are upon us and you can already see “Black Friday” Sales which are not really sales at all when you look at what the price discounts are however it does appear that the…

  • Megyn Kelly Fired?

    Should Megyn Kelly be fired for biased news reporting? This is a serious issue folks because if you accuse one of being a Sexual Predator then certainly that same issue should be applied to another person that is likely the real deal when it comes to being a predator. Yet, Megyn Kelly refused to say…

  • New Polls Show Donald Trump Way ahead

    The more you see the media pumping up these polls and the more you see them use words like Struggling, Trying, No Path to Victory? The more you know they are scared to death. They are scared and they should be as there are polls that show Donald Trump up by 40 points. Clinton way…

  • Undeniable Political Interloper

    The Media have been making hay recently about a few comments that Donald Trump made about perhaps limiting the freedom of the press to engage in destructive politics. This is a good question and one that should be debated. The Media and the Press might object and then point to the constitution however those that…

  • Media ignore’s devastating flooding

    The Media have largely been ignoring the tremendously devastating and deadly flooding from hurricane Matthew. Why is that? Fox news is barely showing anything but Donald Trump and his locker room conversation from 11 years ago. Could Fox news be endangering lives by ignoring the real news while trying to attack Donald Trump for a…

  • Pandering Political Pundits

    Pandering is not really a nice word but that does not seem to stop all of these so called Washington Insiders from constantly trying to defeat Donald Trump… That is really interesting because so far it has not worked well for them. (Many of them are now Former Politicians) When you hear the media crying…