Why Fox News is refusing to call Georgia for Trump

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There is a real question going on here that many believe could create serious distrust for the network of Fox news.

They are refusing to call Georgia for Donald Trump.

There is a less than 5 percent chance that Clinton can win…

Yet Fox news is refusing to tell the truth about Georgia.

Currently Chris Wallace is talking trash about Trump…

But he is softening on his prediction that Trump could not win…

Earlier in the evening Wallace was stating that Trump could not win…

Trump could not win Florida and without Florida Trump could not be president.

(That is the paraphrased position of Chris Wallace)

What he just said a few minutes ago seems to indicate that he thinks that Trump is in fact going to win this election and that is something to talk about.

I still believe that at times MR. Wallace seems to be very one sided when covering the news, however it appears that he is beginning to understand that Donald J Trump could actually win…

This is a big deal.

So with some reluctance, I have to hand it to Mr. Wallace for eating crow early.



