Everything changes

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 In every society change is the most active phenomenon.

 Life is always interesting…

One of the most important things to remember in the pursuit of happiness is that every thing is bound to change.

 Nothing ever stays the same what seems interesting is that often it is human nature to resist change…

Life is always changing that includes everything from political Nannies, to the space program which I consider the height of ignorance to actually scrap a program that has produced so much promise over the last 50 years, but hey you know how it goes.

Things change, it is part of the human condition if it were not true we would still be sitting around in caves thinking it would be nice to have a wood floor but the dirt is just so easy to sit in.

Some of us still sit in the dirt of human existence because we do not want to change.

They sit there and they behave the same way over and over again, we have laws to protect those people from doing harm to themselves or others, but those laws do not work, we try to help those people, because we want to believe they can change that they can find that better path, but they do not. 

You might wonder why it is that some of these people seem to be so bent on a path that causes pain and suffering to the ones they love.

There is no real answer except for this…

They do not change because they do not want to change, they do not stop behaving in ways to put themselves at risk because they do not want to, they do not stop gambling because they do not want to stop gambling, its human behavior and you can not do anything about it.

You can pass all the laws you want, you can get police on the street until everyone has broken some of law, but you will change nothing.

You can put every last person in jail that refuses to change.

But it will not change anything…

In the end you will have a government that will go broke trying to make people do things that they do not want to do and in the end you will fail because you cannot take the will of a human into your own hands.

It is the one thing that you simply cannot take away and the biggest reason why that is true is that it does not belong to you.

We all know people that we love and we would like to pass a law to get Pam or Sue or Tom or Bill to straighten up and stop doing those things that hurt the people they love but the truth is you cannot stop them from doing those things by passing laws or locking them up in prison.

Sure there are extreme cases where locking someone up because they are violent or have caused violence and property damage or have committed violent crimes, but most of the time, non violent individuals that keep to themselves and do not harm or disturb the peace these people do not belong in Jail.

Of course our subject is drugs and the use of those drugs, they often call this self medication it is abuse no question about it, but you cannot force anyone to change nor can you condition their behavior, you can try, but when it comes to the state sponsoring law enforcement actions to incarcerate a non violent population then enslave them with fines, probation, and felony convictions which forever punish them by creating and limiting them to jobs that no one else wants, that is wrong and it is evil.

Yet, for the most part most of modern society does not care about these people, even the organizations that try to help them do not have much support from the wider community.

Addiction is a sickness it is a terrible thing to witness, watching people slowly kill themselves with chemicals, but you cannot stop that, you might slow it down, you might make it difficult you might make it expensive and dangerous to everyone involved in such behavior but you cannot stop it.

[kc_heading_pac_6_headline_1 size=”35″ color=”#cc0000″ ]Its time to stop the war on the people[/kc_heading_pac_6_headline_1]