Tag: Risk

  • Health Care Pain

    The truth about health care and insurance companies. You may wonder about all the talk about the mess that has been created in the health care industry. You would be right to worry… What you do not know about the health care insurance industry could kill you. Insurance is really a simple thing, however insurance…

  • Turning Texas Blue?

    Well now this is an interesting story, from the perspective that how truly out of touch some political groups really are. By DAVID NATHER | 7/8/13 5:06 AM EDT Democrats are gearing up to spend millions of dollars to “turn Texas blue” by bringing in a new generation of Latino voters. So when an abortion…

  • Vote in 2014 freedom at risk?

    Are we no longer a free nation? This is why you need to vote in 2014…

  • Stabbing reported on College Campus

     A news story was just released indicating that a suspect stabbed as many as eight people on a college campus.  This is a sad reminder that guns do not commit crimes. Stay tuned for more information as it becomes available. The truth about crimes is that anyone can commit one they do not need a…

  • The truth about Gun Control and why it does not work

    We all can remember things in the past that were once touted to be great things but later turned out to be false. What about Cabbage, a while ago there was a report that eating cabbage could help your health then a few years after that they concluded that too much cabbage caused cancer… Hmmm,…

  • Murder most foul

    Yesterday, a news story popped up on the internet, hours before it was shown on the popular media. Naturally fact checking being what it is, these days, I suppose that there would be a delay for some of the slip stream media. However the truth is slowly coming out, we may never fully understand what…

  • Everything changes

     In every society change is the most active phenomenon.  Life is always interesting…   One of the most important things to remember in the pursuit of happiness is that every thing is bound to change.  Nothing ever stays the same what seems interesting is that often it is human nature to resist change… Life is…

  • The Priority of the People

    Priority is a thing that must be developed and understood, in order to lead men must find the greater cause in life, beyond the petty bickering and name calling, the press conferences where men tell lies and pretend they are right when in reality they are wrong because they have the wrong priority. The only…

  • Time magazine shreds constituion?

    This is hard to understand, because Time magazine is not really that popular, allegedly, and yet, they seem to have this sort of death wish in terms of its circulation. here are just a few of the headlines at time.com when you begin to look at what they are saying you have to wonder what…

  • The rapture

    Well in case you have not been watching the news today and several hundred billboards and posters all over the place, then you know that a prediction made by a 89 year old elderly man who you could easily say allegedly was a little senile, but the real story here is not the end of…