Category: acorn
National Geographic yellow Journlism?
Join others in deciding not to support Yellow Journalism, it is not only wrong but it is a Lie, Character assassination, will anyone stand up and defend Ben Franklin From the evil yellow cowards that have moved to malign a man that gave more to this nation than many will even have the opportunity to…
The steps of a dictator
For many Americans this subject is not just another news story it is the failure of a president. The failure to live up to the promises he made to the American people. The failure to keep the promises he said that he would keep. The failure to do what he campaigned that he would do.…
AOL Biased by liberals
Is AOL now a biased news company as it is suggested by the headline reported below on fox business new? Some Advertisers Are Already Freaking Out About AOL’s New “Liberal” Bias I think the answer to that question is perhaps not to be found on a website or even on AOL but in their quarterly…
We need insurance reform…
Will dismantling the health care reform bill, really stop the erosion of health care in America? Can insurance reform really correct the problems we have faced over the last few years? Amazing but true insurance companies may not have your best interest at heart, (allegedly) What we got and what we need are two different…
Sarah Palin
This is an interesting publication that was emailed to me, it is published here in its entirety. By Dewie Whetsell, Alaskan Fisherman. As posted in comments on Greta’s article referencing the MOVEON ad about Sarah Palin. The last 45 of my 66 years I’ve spent in a commercial fishing town in Alaska . I understand…
opting out of health care?
There are reports that allegedly over 400 companies that have been given waivers, which basically, allows a company to opt of health care reform laws. This is difficult to understand, mostly because if everyone is to be under one health care system, then how can you allow certain people to just opt out? Is this…
Why Liberals just dont get it.
Have you ever come in contact with someone that cannot agree on anything, even when the sky is obviously blue? For some reason which 93 percent of the population cannot understand, liberals behave in a different manner than ordinary citizens, we do not understand how anyone could play games with the tragic events that occurred…