Biased media

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Are people tired of the biased media asking stupid questions at liberal moderated events?

The truth may be that they are sick and tired of it and the advertisers may be tired of it as well.

Gone are the days where people used to be ignorant and unlearned not capable of understanding that a question can be fair or it can be biased, that was the past it is not the way things are now.

In the past, it used to be that there were really only three ways to get your news, either you watched TV, Read the paper, or listened, to the radio.

Now there are literally thousands of ways to get your news, and we are no longer limited by biased media.

We do not have to deal with biased news any more.

People are sick of all the trash that the media is shoveling, that is it simple as that.

We do not have to watch your biased media coverage, we can watch what ever we want and we do not have to purchase products from advertisers that seek to advertise to a biased audience.