49 senators voted to end freedom of speech

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You just cant make this stuff up and that is something that is really scary.


At a time of extraordinary challenges across the globe and here at home, we are not gathered in the United States Senate to discuss how to confront the threat if ISIS.

We’re not gathered in the United States Senate to discuss how to prevent Putin’s Russia from invading his neighbors.

We’re not gathered in the United States Senate today to discuss how to solve the humanitarian crisis at the border with some 90,000 unaccompanied children coming into the country this year.

We’re not gathered in the United States Senate today to discuss how to bring back jobs and economic growth; How to correct the fact that the Obama economy has produced the lowest labor force participation since 1978–92 million Americans not working today.

And we’re not gathered in the United States Senate to discuss how to stop the disaster that has been Obamacare, that has caused millions of Americans to lose their jobs, to be forced into part-time work, to lose their health insurance, to lose their doctors, and to see their premiums skyrocket.


