Tag: United States Senate
49 senators voted to end freedom of speech
You just cant make this stuff up and that is something that is really scary. Source. At a time of extraordinary challenges across the globe and here at home, we are not gathered in the United States Senate to discuss how to confront the threat if ISIS. We’re not gathered in the United States Senate…
Deny Deny Deny Lie until…
Amazing stuff folks, if you were watching a movie you might see something like this but in reality this is insanity. What is wrong with the United States Senate… The truth is simple it is not hard to see the truth and what is equally true is the fact that we know what a lie…
Senators that need to be Fired in the United States Senate
[kc_heading_pac_6_headline_1 size=”35″ color=”#cc0000″ ]Warning..[/kc_heading_pac_6_headline_1] This news story will make you angry… If you are offended by the truth then don’t read this because you will not like it. My friends this is perhaps one of the most sad and difficult times in recent memory. We have had a second attack on the United States from…
Look out the King is about to take over?
What this is unbelievable, not only could this be true but what if it were… The fate of the Feinstein Gun Ban – and the rest of President Obama’s radical Big Government agenda – could be decided as soon as Tuesday. That’s when the fight over Harry Reid’s scheme to SHUT UP all opposition…
youtube felony?
Will you stand idly by and watch as over paid, senators, plan on turning your children into Felons? Felons that cannot get a good job? Felons that will never be able to buy a home? Felons that will never be able to go to college? Is this the type of hope and change you voted…