Tag: Rino

  • making a difference while it still counts

    We can all say that we have seen some really crazy stuff going on in politics these days, but this story is really making a lot of people mad. source. One of Barack Obama’s liberal supporters, Senate candidate Gabriel Gomez, made news this week when he tried to act like a tough guy and challenged…

  • Who can win in 2012

    The list is beginning to grow and there are a lot of names on that list, many are expected to think about running, but in reality can they win? If some of those that cannot win would take half the money they would spend on running a race they know they cannot win and help…

  • election 2012 vote them out

    The people in Washington think that people will forget, that we will just allow them to do what ever they want, that they have no fear of us, but they are wrong, this government is by the people for the people, congress has forgotten that, and this past election cycle was a reminder, however, apparently…

  • is Lisa Murkowski a RINO

    Come November We will Remember… So they think that were to stupid to remember, too stupid to realize that we have been lied to, too stupid to vote them out of office. Time to send this liberal a message NO MEANS NO… Remember this when its time to vote because these are the people that…

  • No means No, why cant they understand?

    Just got this email, these alleged, jerks and jerkettes, in Washington really have it all mixed up. We sent out an email this morning to our supporters highlighting a new TV ad that Lisa Murkowski released. The ad attacks YOU, our supporters and members of the Tea Party Express. In the TV ad her campaign…

  • Republicians make mistake

    Looks like the republicans are allegedly stupid as the dems are Could the Repubs be in trouble at this late hour, after almost an assured victory in November they seem to allegedly be making all the wrong mistakes playing into the hands of the democrats. This is just crazy, you know what If the republicans…

  • Rove a Liberal?

    Is Karl Rove a secret Closet Liberal? We watched Fox news tonight and Karl Rove came on defending his ill advised stance on O’donnell, now Karl you were wrong and you should be man enough to admit it, because I have to tell you that O’donnell is One of Us. You know what I would…

  • Karl Rove

    So what is up with Karl Rove, and why is he not supporting O’donnel? I hope Rove has some better reason than just what goes around, because it sure does not look like much of a reason so far. When the people of a state elect a candidate and this lady is deserving of your…

  • O’donnell

    In recent news, we find that the GOP, is backing a man who is alleged to be a liberal in sheep’s clothing. We have to ask why is this? RINO Republican In Name Only If you are sick and tired of these so called RINO, Politicians who allegedly Lie through their teeth every change they…

  • This Should not Be, Send the GOP a message.

    I have to just say that the GOP is just not my Party any Longer, because this is not right, so if you can help us send a message to the GOP and let them know that we will not put up with this kind of garbage. We saw this in the Alaska, Race, where…