Just got this email, these alleged, jerks and jerkettes, in Washington really have it all mixed up.
We sent out an email this morning to our supporters highlighting a new TV ad that Lisa Murkowski released. The ad attacks YOU, our supporters and members of the Tea Party Express.
In the TV ad her campaign calls your donations to the tea party movement “a dirty money bomb.” This follows her attacks against all of us last week as an “extremist” group. And of course she launched re-election campaign calling those of us in the tea party movement “racist.”
It’s time to fight back – the stakes are high and liberal RINO Lisa Murkowski must be defeated.
Here’s the problem: When we put our plea for help this morning only 98 people responded – contributing just $5,650. We must do much, much better, folks.
Please – help us send a very strong message to Lisa Murkowski as we defeat her handily once more. Contribute to our campaign against Lisa Murkowski and for Joe Miller – CONTRIBUTE HERE
We need at least 350 people to make a contribution of $100 or more so we can put an end to Lisa Murkowski’s career once and for all. And if you can afford a contribution of $250, $500, $1,000 or more – up to $5,000 – it will be very helpful.
You can give as little as $5 and as much as $5,000 under FEC laws and regulations.