Tag: Nonsense

  • strange things..

    In some ways we are watching as the democrats are imploding… Recently the white house “spokes person” came out and basically told the world that you did not see what you thought you saw. To be clear… This is what they call gas lighting… gas·light /??as?l?t verb gerund or present participle: gas-lighting

  • Tired of watching the speaker of the house roll over?

    Apparently there are a lot of people that are sick and tired of the speaker of the house playing ball with the other side and allowing the DEMONcrats, to get away with anything they want, believe it or not they think that because they won by less than two percentage points that it somehow means…

  • Vote them out

    The worst economy in more than 40 years. Millions out of work. Could the bread lines be far behind? yes, the senate and the Chamber of Commerce, (allegedly) want to ban and censor the internet. Help defeat this evil bill and help vote out the senators that voted for this evil bill.   Remain silent…

  • Pirro biased?

    Amazing stuff folks and when you look at this woman you can almost see the alleged hatred and spittle flying from her mouth, (allegedly) So what is going on with this strange and allegedly biased coverage of fox news? is there something wrong with this so called EX judge pirro? Why always the negative?  Ask…

  • The court of public opinion

    First there was the Duke Case, then several other cases where charges were filed that should not have been filed. So what is up with this nonsense. Are we watching the end of the legal system in America, some say that eventually we might see all cases tried in the media, apparently with this casey…

  • Romney: Obama ‘threw Israel under the bus’

    In so many ways the idea that the US is not going to support Israel is something that is a serious concern simply because if one man can do what has been done in the name of all Americans this is wrong and should not be.  When you consider this issue you have to consider…

  • End of Days, Will Arnold care?

    Remember the movie End of Days, a while back staring everyone favorite Governor or Governator, Well in a big news story that apparently an old and sadly senile 89 year old man, was touted by the media to be some sort of spokesman for all mankind, which proves only one thing. The media is stupid.…

  • Hope and Change? or the end of america?

    Seriously is this the hope and change you wanted? Is this the End of what our fathers fought and died to create for us, A Better America? Are we seeing the destruction of America because of a small percentage of out of control Liberals? Perhaps you may have heard about job killing bills that Washington…

  • The sky is falling?

    Who do you want in charge? People who are so emotional that they distort the truth? People who lie to you? Or people who are trying to do the right thing for our children? Help the sky is falling the sky is falling, where is chicken little or is that Nancy P, we have to…

  • Libyan Bombing constitutional or not?

    Well there seems to be some issue over the idea on if the President has the authority to decide military issues, while he is on vacation, perhaps there is some small grain of truth to that, but as strange as it might sound, were going to side with the President on this one, while most…