Remember the movie End of Days, a while back staring everyone favorite Governor or Governator, Well in a big news story that apparently an old and sadly senile 89 year old man, was touted by the media to be some sort of spokesman for all mankind, which proves only one thing.
The media is stupid.
And if you believe the nonsense that they are talking about online, then your in the same boat.
I find it more interesting that Arnold is not out of the spot light, and this elderly man who is far too old to be doing this kind of thing, I find it mildly offensive to listen to all the trash talking online in regard to haters, talking about hating Christians, the thing is here this one old man does not speak for anyone other than himself.
Even his neighbors, said the same thing and they have lived next door to him for 40 years.
So, if those that know this old man the best, say “bless his 89 year old heart” and mind probably, (allegedly) then why all the insane gossip on the networks,? Want to know why?
Because they know they can get away with trashing Christians.
Why does the media talk trash about Christians and more importantly if every religion were to be examined in this way you are going to find some crack pots out there, but if this were about any other religion, would the media be talking about it?
Think about that for a moment…
Try doing this with other religions, and trash their beliefs and there would be demonstrations and threats every where and rightfully so, in fact when you see all this trash talking why is that?
I wish the media would get a life…