Tag: Msnbc
Fed Judge stops illegal immigration.
Well the latest news story you will not see on many of the blow by networks, like CNN, ABC, (is covering this story) NBC, CBS, MSNBC, and others is a news story that stops illegal immigration executive orders. Update more media companies are now covering this news story, imagine that, they are allegedly shamed into…
belonging is it a right?
Who says that the liberal media are not racist? They do that’s who. The media seem to be stuck in this idea that they believe that they can say anything they want and then just apologize. MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry concluded the “What’s So Funny About 2013?” with a chorus of laughter at the black…
Millions of layoffs ahead, 12 percent unemployment
Many Large Business and CEOs Announced layoffs just days after the election results. Think about how many thousands and thousands of people who will loose their jobs this year before Christmas. That is something that you should carefully consider. This is a news story that you will not see on regular TV… Does that concern…
benghazi attack
The media are intentionally not reporting on this very important news story Men Died and or were left to die, is this the American way, is being a coward more important than being an American? Perhaps the news companies like allegedly NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, CNN, and even Fox news are not covering this news…
fox news bias
Fox news, Judge Jury Executioner, Update did fox news, influence the trial by allegedly using negative descriptors and multiple "one way only" opinionated, bobble heads. What could happen if Fox news continues its allegedly slanted coverage and harm comes to Casey Anthony as a direct result of Fox news allowing its bobble heads to…
Biased news coverage?
The lies of the liberals, will they ever learn? Can you say, go back and start over again, what trash… Amazing stuff folks just when you think you have seen the most insulting human behavior out there you see a story like this. You tell us, is this biased news coverage or is…
High prices
Just received this in an email, interesting fodder for the mill however, it is really interesting that there is so a difference in diesel prices, (which have a direct impact on food prices) $1,000 per year. That’s how much EXTRA you are coughing up as gas prices exceed $4 a gallon. Do you believe President…
FCC now can act when TV commercials are too loud.
Will it make any difference, or will they just keep on doing what they want because this is really just an excuse to try to illegally, (allegedly) give powers to the Fcc that they do not have nor should they have. Since 1960 reports have been coming into the FCC, allegedly, but nothing has ever…
Is rockefeller right?
Should we all just shut up, show we all just go away if someone decides that we dont matter anymore. Is Rockie right, should the people be silenced if rich and powerful people do not like them? Should they eat cake? Should we censor everything and just remove the things that we do not like…