Will it make any difference, or will they just keep on doing what they want because this is really just an excuse to try to illegally, (allegedly) give powers to the Fcc that they do not have nor should they have.
Since 1960 reports have been coming into the FCC, allegedly, but nothing has ever been done, now we have the CALM act, but will it do any good at all?
I just have one question, why has Fox news not covered this momentous achievement of the Obama Administration?
Well could it be that they are taking money from the very people that the FCC wants to CALM DOWN, sure and why not we are sick and tired of the overly loud TV commercials, that blast your ear drums over and over again or how about this, the practice of reducing the volume on regular TV programming so that you have to turn up your TV each time you want to watch something that is not a commercial.
So why has Fox news not covered this story, or for that matter why has not CBS, NBC, MSNBC, ABC, well has anyone covered it?
So what up, besides the volume, I mean when I watch a TV show and I have to turn down the volume on every commercial because of how loud it is, that is just wrong.
Are you seeing loud commercials?
If you are you should get your eyes checked because we are talking about how loud a commercials and since you cant see, then you better listen up.
From the FCC website,
If You Have a Complaint
Under most circumstances, it is in the interest of broadcasters to use equipment and procedures to avoid “loud” commercials and background noise. If you have a complaint about “loud” commercials and background noise, first try reducing the volume by checking your television and remote control. You may also contact the station(s) involved and explain your concerns. You should identify each message of concern by the sponsor or product’s name and by the date and time of the broadcast.
So, does this cover, cable networks that are really blasting your ear drums, with excessive, noise?
Probably not, but it may be one of the “convenient excuses” that the FCC decides to use in order to take over the internet and cable networks.
However, knowing just how excessive this noise can actually be would it really be such a bad thing that some control is exerted over the programming jerks that constantly bombard us with loud commercials?
Perhaps not, as long as they do not ask for an inch and intend to take a mile.
So what is next, should we regulate how much sugar is in a can of soda?