Tag: Long Time

  • Is Reid fulfilling his duty?

    We have heard a lot of news about harry reid, that is a problem, mostly because it may be time to consider something that should have been done a long time ago.

  • tea party too radical?

    Is the tea party getting too radical? The thought sort of crosses your mind, you agree with some of the things they are saying but are they really starting to go too far. Sure the Affordable Care act is a nightmare that has to be fixed or it must be repealed, foreign policy is what…

  • This is what hard work look like

    In a time when politicians seem to have no backbone and do not do much to try to stop the erosion of our constitution it is good to see a real candidate that has real promise. This candidate is perhaps one of the best I have seen in a long time. Mia was born in…

  • We are just minutes away from more media Bull pucky?

    Imagine this, what will happen when the media begin to tell more of their lies, they will say that its very close, that Romney appears to have lost they will call states for Obama before the full results are in. They will continue to do this even when Romney appears to have the same lead…

  • No more Free Speech

    [kc_heading_pac_6_headline_1 size=”50″ color=”#cc0000″ ]Chick Fil A..[/kc_heading_pac_6_headline_1]   Who would have ever thought that the champions for freedom of Speech would one day deny that same right to everyone… If your like a lot of people your sitting there right now with your mouth hanging open… Your sitting there and your thinking what are they talking…

  • Stupid Judges?

    Over the last few months the trial of Casey Anthony was a great demonstration of how not to prosecute a case. You saw evidence submitted that was not even scientifically sound, (an electronic sniffer gadget) which is based on some pretty shaky, scientific ground, it has been used effectively for detecting criminal actions, like the…

  • Harry reid says?

    Democrats to blame if the stock market crashes? Today allegedly Harry Reid allegedly went on national TV and said the bus was about to leave the station, We want to know is he going to be on it? Allegedly Harry, is at or very near retirement age, (wait perhaps he should have retired a long…

  • Casey Anthony not guilty

    Did the State of Florida over step its bounds? Why did the State of Florida choose to try to prove Murder when they could have proved, other things that would have kept her behind bars for a long time, why did they not see what was so obvious to everyone else? They wanted to take…

  • Gingrich, cannot win

    Newt may be a smart man, but apparently he is not smart enough to realize that his desire to rule, will likely leave him broke with no votes. NO way to win… The following headline appears in the Christen Science monitor, (which is sort of a misnomer in itself) Has Newt Gingrich been on TV…

  • waterboarding led to location of Bin Laden

    “A prisoner of war is a man who tries to kill you and fails, and then asks you not to kill him.” Winston Churchill… Bush once again proves that he was right all along even President Obama must agree he allegedly gave the order based on evidence obtained by waterboarding, right? In what is sure…