Democrats to blame if the stock market crashes?
Today allegedly Harry Reid allegedly went on national TV and said the bus was about to leave the station, We want to know is he going to be on it? Allegedly Harry, is at or very near retirement age,
(wait perhaps he should have retired a long time ago?)
The thing here is this, the house, legally has done its job now what will the senate do?
Will they do their jobs? Or Will they plunge this nation into the dark ages of financial despair?
The media may be in the Tank for the democrats, but no one is being fooled, Bill orielly might be in the tank for the liberals, but he is not fooling anyone, his spin stops here show well that stopped a long time ago when he stopped being objective about his liberal politics. What poor old, yes old, bill does not understand is that the scale has moved so far to the left that he no longer is representative of the majority of the American people.
What this means is that scientifically, Mr. Orielly has long about 30 percent of his viewing audience including long time listeners. One thing for sure, if Harry Reid does not do the right thing for the American people, he will be the one that gets the blame, along with the White house so in 2012, you can look for a huge loss for the democrats because the ball is in the Senate, and if they don’t do the right thing they will be the ones that take the blame not the republicans.