Tag: liberals
News media black out
Fox news makes big mistake, forgets where they came from… Will it cost them, the answer is yes it will, if fox news continues down the trail they are currently on, (liberal positions in the news media) They are just another Lying Liberal publication, nothing special, but if they go back to what made them…
election results
This year is going to be very interesting for politics, simply because we are looking at what could be a huge back lash on incumbents, you know those that have been up there getting fat on the tax payer dime for years and years. The time is getting closer, November to be exact, While some…
Vote the liberals out
ICE allegedly will stop deporting
Is it 1984? No then why are we facing the most difficult border situation in the history of this nation. Danger, Danger, Danger, we may be at risk because some people have decided to stop enforcing immigration law. What is wrong with Washington? If this is true we have people in Washington that are failing…
Are Democratic Liberals in Phidelphia Crazy?
It looks like the liberals are at it again, this time in the city where just about anything can happen, including one of the highest crime rates in the nation, or certainly in that geographic area, yet the city appears to be more interested in how they can stifle creative cottage industries. Or perhaps there…