Tag: funny

  • Why Polls Mean Nothing…

    This year as in the past the Media (liberal therof, non reporting media) except when it benefits their agenda, usually begin to report how polls tell this what will happen in the future. The funny thing actually laughable thing here is that Polls really dont mean a thing in this or any election mostly because…

  • Is America Gay?

    If you were to believe every thing you see on TV or on the media you might think that were all Gay. That is really funny at least a little bit funny. The problem is most of these people who are carrying the torch of being “openly Gay” may not really be that at all.…

  • GOP finished

    Is the GOP done? The Democrats would like to think so and perhaps they do have a point about how messed up the GOP actually is these days, with half of its members attempting to move further to the left to be more like the democrats and half moving more to the right, being in…

  • CNN portrays Duck Dynasty in bad light?

    So what do you think, Facebook has exploded into a huge controversy that is growing every day most people are sick and tired of all the crap that is going on day after day, you can embrace one way of life and disrespect another and no one cares but say anything a bout people in…

  • Voting Rights or Cough Syrup?

    If you read the Headline below you might think that something terrible was happening in Texas, but the reality that headline is not an honest statement of fact. GOP strips Voting Rights? The truth about this news story is a simple thing it is about the death of unborn children! That might seem dramatic but…

  • Who cares what the media says…

    You know there is one thing that the media has forgotten that will spell the eventual end of their power over humanity. They think that people will care or even believe a word that comes out of the producers mouth. Puppet heads that say one thing while knowing another. Fools that pretend that they are…

  • Jay Carney Laughed to Scorn by Reporters?

    There comes a time in a mans life when he must reflect on his past and his future, I would say its time for Jay to do that. There has been (allegedly) a considerable amount of dubious statements over the last several years, spin so massive that it is a wonder the planet does not…

  • Snowden, Chapman, The Spy who Loved me?

    Ok, I know how this must sound, but you really cannot make this kind of thing up… If Snowden were to Marry, Chapman then there would be a situation where Snowden could legally stay so long as he does not make her mad, hmmm, the alternative is Bubba, in the US Prison System, seems like…

  • College Scandal amid high tuition

    There are many that feel that higher education is not what it used to be, mostly because well it is not. When you look at this situation you have to wonder why anyone would send their children to a University that charges $45,000.00 per year for your child to listen to this kind of bull…

  • We are just minutes away from more media Bull pucky?

    Imagine this, what will happen when the media begin to tell more of their lies, they will say that its very close, that Romney appears to have lost they will call states for Obama before the full results are in. They will continue to do this even when Romney appears to have the same lead…