Tag: Fool
Is the constitution still the American Way?
We have in our history a clear example of many years of applying the document that has and is still the best guide for America that will ever exist. But we also have some that would like to break it and trod upon it as an old document that no longer applies to the People,…
The truth about Gun Control and why it does not work
We all can remember things in the past that were once touted to be great things but later turned out to be false. What about Cabbage, a while ago there was a report that eating cabbage could help your health then a few years after that they concluded that too much cabbage caused cancer… Hmmm,…
water boarding?
In a perfect world, there would be no evil, never would the rain fall during a parade. In a perfect world the world would be friendly and men would all be friends, we would all just get along… But the truth is that we do not live in that perfect world that so many people…
Politics in the Media
Is the media is biased to the point of treason? In many ways, the media has begun to take over the process of elections, that would seem to be an indication that there is a big problem in the media, from bias to outright liars, in some cases we have seen liberals talking about things…
bloomberg anti american?
Is the Mayor of New york city anti American using lies and liberal garbage to try and lie to the American people? Is the mayor of New York lying to everyone using public tax money to do it with? Should you vote the mayor out of office for allegedly being a liar? That probably depends…
Global climate change?
Were they right, are we about to see the effects of global warming after all? More Tornados this year than many years… More fires, More, earthquakes, Changes in weather patterns. Now, Hurricane and Record Drought, Wells going dry, while other areas of the nation are flooded, something id certainly going on but is it because…
The Racist Card?
You know, the title here says it all, there are times, when out of respect to the past and the future, we should allow old wounds to heal, but every once in a while someone steps over the line and that is just sad really because so much has changed, over the last ten years.…
AP liars?
So why do certain publishers seem to have an interest in promoting a certain political view? The media used to be our friends, we would watch them in the evening and just before the street lamps went off so did the TV, with the American Flag waving in the background… Things have changed and they…
Knowing that for the most part society depends on the law enforcement community to be not only fair but also balanced. The courageous men and women that make up our law enforcement community deserve better and so often they do not get it, however when a man who allegedly should have retired some time ago,…