Shut it down?

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Is this the End of Washington?

Should we look for the sky to fall?

Where is Chicken Little?

So should we be worried, if you watch the news, you might have noticed the overly dramatic rendition of oh my chicken little the sky is falling, but seriously folks, this is not the first time that Government has been shut down and guess what we survived it the last time, but sadly the high and mighty press seems to not be able to report on the news any more.

I have to ask, do they think we are all stupid?

I can google this, The 1995 “shutdown” of the United States federal government was the result of a conflict between Democratic President Clinton and the Republican-controlled Congress over funding for Medicare, education, the environment and public health. It took place after Clinton vetoed the spending bill which Congress sent him.

So, wait lets, see the last time this happened, it was the democrats that started it right?

So, then if we examine this more carefully are we not in the same situation right now as we were back in 1995? The answer has to be a big fat yes, Yet, the fair and ballerina media cannot report this fact?

Dear Patriot,

We’re being inundated with news about the Federal government’s budget negotiations and a potential government shutdown. Not surprisingly, the Democrats have no desire to cut spending and limit government’s reach. Republicans have proposed a budget that would trim $6 trillion over the next 10 years, which is clearly quite a bit better, but that breaks out to a cut of only around $600 billion a year. Our annual budget shortfall is about $1.6 trillion!

The only budget proposal that actually balances the budget came from Sen. Rand Paul, whose proposal balances the budget within 5 five years, and has the government running a surplus by 2016. If we ever hope to see another truly balanced budget, it’s obvious that we need to elect more Tea Party candidates. Help us elect Tea Party conservatives by making a donation –HERE–

In 2011, the only chance for us to replace a liberal Democrat with a true Tea Party conservative is the Kentucky Governor’s race. The Tea Party candidate in the race is Phil Moffett, a successful businessman who understands the importance of efficiency and balanced budgets. Our comprehensive independent expenditure campaign on his behalf will involve broadcast ads, an earned media campaign, and putting staff on the ground in Kentucky to help rally grassroots support. To help us elect a true Tea Party conservative as Governor of Kentucky, please make a contribution –HERE–

The liberals in the media continually question whether the Tea Party is still alive and able to influence elections. We cannot let them continue spouting this nonsense! It’s up to us to prove that Tea Party candidates can still win! Help us prove the liberals wrong by clicking this