In a recent news story it was reported that in some areas, Free Speech and Religious freedom would be circumvented, (allegedly) by the federal government.
This is an interesting news story.
Simply because we are facing likely the worst economy in more than 50 years and this is how your tax dollars are being spent, that is why we need to send a message in the form of voting.
Vote them out, simple as that.
here is the news story. This is really interesting, because when the chips are down, we see that money is being wasted, and that tax payers are having to pay to defend what is a constitutional right, guaranteed by the constitution.
According to Associated Press, the settlement agreement lists 50 provisions that VA officials agree to adhere to. The VA said in the decree that certain of these provisions “are already the policy or practice of the department.”
Some of these actions include no banning or interfering with prayers or recitations at committal services; agreeing to not edit or control the content of private religious speech and expression by speakers at special ceremonies or events at the cemetery; and agreeing not to ban religious speech or words such as “God” or “Jesus” in condolence cards or similar documents given by some of the groups that filed the suit.
The VA also agreed to pay the veterans groups’ legal fees, which total $215,000. It is not known if Director Ocasio has been or will be removed from her position.
This about this, the tax payers had to spend $215,000.00 to defend what the constitution spells out in black and white, there is no doubt about free speech or freedom of religion, there is no conflict, Church means a body of people, not a Christmas tree, not a sign, not the ten commandments, none of those things constitutes a Church.
Yet, we have people in office that abuse (allegedly) their power and force the people to stand up and be counted, the way we are counted is by voting, in 2012 use your voice, use your voting power to tell the liberals and those that would ban freedom of speech and freedom of religion to get out of public office if you cannot read and understand the constitution.