GOP more likely than ever

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The GOP is more likely to take over the entire congress sending the likes of Harry Reid back to ponder why they cannot do the business of the people when they had the chance…


Most voters now think Republicans are likely to win control of Congress in this November’s elections and believe Americans will see a noticeable change in their lives because of it.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 54% of Likely U.S. Voters think it is at least somewhat likely that the GOP will win a majority in the Senate this November. That’s a 10-point increase from early January and includes 20% who say it is Very Likely. Twenty-nine percent (29%) consider a Republican takeover of the Senate to be unlikely, but that includes only five percent (5%) who say it is Not At All Likely.  (To see survey question wording, click here.)

The thing is this can you trust

There are times when the polls they produce could be questioned by science as invalid, so if that is possibly the case then a lot of the things  you may read there may not be as accurate as you think.


