Category: biased fox news
Ferguson riots
In many ways the idea that America is about to change in significant ways is something that should disturb you greatly. We have a situation where the word of one of the alleged robbers of a convenience store has been put out as truth. We know that from the autopsy diagram it is more than…
#internet #freedom
Ever just thought about what freedom is? I mean really consider, right now at this moment in time, what you are free to do. You could choose to go to a movie, buy popcorn and a coke and spend two hours watching a giant silver screen. You could choose to watch that same movie at…
wall street thugs?
This was received in an email and may not represent the opinions or thoughts of the owners of this website or its administrators. Have you noticed the media’s new obsession with the Occupy Wall Street movement? Yes, the same movement that has launched a smear campaign against capitalism and Tea Party principles – it is…
Fair Elections
Can there be a fair election when the media takes part in the election process? I find that there are some serious issues in how the media covers election candidate. Should something be done to prevent the media from giving free coverage and free PR to certain Candidates while other candidates have to pay for…