If someone were intentionally trying to destroy the credit rating of the US government, then would that not be an act of treason?
Would it not be a severe issue that needed to be solved?
The US credit rating could be downgraded on Monday or later in the week amid speculation that Washington does not know what it is doing, and should that not be the case? If anyone even a country keeps borrowing money without paying it back and then later printing money and not paying the money back, and later lowering interests and not paying the money back eventually the end result is financial ruin.
Any economist will tell you that this is the truth yet, for some unknown reason Washington does not or refuses to know this truth, and what can we expect if this is the way that they intend to do business?
The only way out of this mess, is two things.
Flat tax, ballanced budget, equals, another four years, for the democrats, if they keep on doing what they are doing now then the republicians wil win and the democrats will be run out of town on a rail.
So here is the deal, if we raise the debt limit, (print more money) then our credit rating will go down.
If we dont raise the debt limit our credit goes down.
If we lower our costs and set a flat tax our credit rating goes up.
It really is just that simple.
Most Americans understand this and most economists also understand this so why does the white house not understand this?
Received in an email, from Michele Bachmann
As the debate over the debt ceiling gains heat and President Obama stands firmly atop his bully pulpit, his stubborn insistence on drowning our nation in debt has caught the attention of the American people.
A new Gallup poll released this week shows him losing by eight points to a Republican, a larger margin than ever before.
With only one out of five supporting raising the debt ceiling, the American people know what should be common-sense to Congress and the President–when you’re in a hole, the first step to getting out is to stop digging.
To the majority of Americans that do not support it, raising the debt ceiling means much more than just continuing to dig.
It means placing trillions more in unfunded liabilities on the shoulders of future generations. It means abandoning the very principles that we in Congress were elected to represent.
In my three terms in Congress, I have never voted to raise the debt ceiling, and I will certainly not start now.
Yesterday, at a press conference, President Obama ignored these vital points, stating that we only need “minor adjustments” to fix our economy. At a time of trillion-and-a-half-dollar annual deficits and 9.2 percent unemployment, he could not be more out of touch.
Constitutional conservatives know that, in order for our nation to truly prosper, we need systemic reform–not band-aids. This reflects a core difference of philosophy that will be at the forefront of the 2012 elections.
The consistency and dedication that our movement has shown to stopping the hemmoraging of our future reflects the stakes that face our nation in 2012. The Obama machine will spend record dollars to overcome the opposition of the American people to his policies and win re-election, and we must work harder than ever to ensure that our constitutional conservative values are victorious. In this challenge, I couldn’t be more grateful that you are with me. Michele Bachmann