Is Bill Hemmer a liberally biased bobble head?
Liberal Bias is it reporting or is it political nonsense.
Update, again today, on Tue the 26th allegedly Bill Hemmer, showed his true colors by not challenging an obviously flawed commentary made by an alleged spin consultant, but what is the aim of Bill Hemmer, is he really as liberal as he seems to be? Who knows for sure, because sometimes it seems as if fox news is run by alleged idiots.
Could be, this morning on national TV, he had a man who allegedly lied, and not by just a little this man lied by a hundred yards or more, yet, Bill let it ride, he did not challenge the mans alleged lie at all?
What kind of reporting is that anyway?
Fair and Balanced?
The topic was about the Budget deal, facts were not represented, facts that should have been discussed were not, what they did discuss was based on conjecture, bias and skull skullduggery, yes, Bill did nothing there was no fair and balanced discussion on this topic at all, so the question comes up is this news?
Is this a news company or a tabloid?
Certainly you have seen and heard in the news about the most recent scandals concerning the parent company of Fox news, when you see these types of things come up you have to wonder what is going on, who is running this company?
Because in the past there was real discussion and not just one side of a poorly thought out interview.
Plainly there is a problem in Fox news and it is hoped that someone in that organization can find a method of developing the right kind of answer, simply because one side of a discussion is not news, certainly not when the company in question claims to be fair and balanced.
So what exactly was wrong with this discussion and the alleged bias presented by the “former” CBO official on Fox news?
Simple, he stated, that the plan presented by the Republicans has no real cuts, so no real savings could be obtained, however he failed to compare apples with apples, because the liberal point of view claims that they can save money through reducing fraud, a great thing my fiends for sure, but apparently only liberals can claim to be able to reduce fraud because no mention was made to this fact, that if fraud can be uncovered by democrats, then certainly it can be uncovered by Republicans, so again, fox news did it self no favor, Bill hemmer, stared at the TV camera, and made no method of argument against this flawed view point.
It is amazing that anyone would even believe this kind of trash presented on TV…
So, the prescription drug benefit, is a problem for our budget, but we have no problem with spending millions of dollars, for Art, work that is not really ART, we have no problems spending money for protecting Rats, in a Swamp, (allegedly) in Nancy Ps, district. We have no problem in Billions in government waste and fraud.
Yet, the only thing the liberals have to talk about is to try and scare seniors?
That is your entire deal?
I was really surprised that bill hemmer made no effort to do anything to question all this questionable material, it was a surprise, because the guy looks smart enough but is he really, where did Bill hemmer come from anyway?
CNN, ops, yes, perhaps Bill is not as fair and balanced as he should be and perhaps bill hemmer should consider that the next time he allows a man to allegedly come on national TV and lie it is not a good thing…