Category: acorn
Liberals go back in time to haunt Palin
Ok, folks this is just about the most stupid thing I have ever heard of, in the most recent attempt to smear Sarah Palin they go back to the 12 Century to dig up a long un-used word, called blood libel, If we were actually still in the 12th century then I would understand but…
Politizing death…
It is a shame on the media and certain websites that have attempted to blame politics for the shooting tragedy that shook the country this Saturday, it is difficult to believe when you see politics being used in the death of Americans. When you see headlines that blame this terrible tragedy on all manner of…
Bad reporting over Gifford shooting?
First they reported that the Arizona representative, had died, then they reported she was alive then they reported that she had died, later they reversed again and apologized for being stupid. Then they falsely reported that that others had died, then they reported the opposite of that report. They falsely reported that the suspect was…
repealing health care
Or should do we need to start over again and focus on the real problem, special interests, unions, and insurance companies. Is it good or is it bad, many people want to know because the real answer here may not be with health care at all. It might be that we need insurance reform. If…
Nancy P lets blame bush?
What your kidding right, I mean how is it possible that these people can continue to blame everyone for their problems. So how long is it that Nancy will blame bush? 2 years from now when they loose the election, will they blame bush then? Funny how they never seem to be capable of accepting…
Shameful Bias reporting on shooting
Senator, Lopez allegedly on the air mentioned the Tea Party, on the air and Shep Smith, did not challenge this, I feel ashamed of Fox news that this was allowed to happen on the air and Shep owes an apology to the Tea party, it is a shame when a man allows this to happen…
FCC take over of the internet?
Is this possible, will it ruin the internet? This is not constitutional and must be stopped, this is wrong in every conceivable way you can imagine. In case your just now hearing this. Stop this insanity help us challenge this by filing a lawsuit if necessary. The FCC has no authority to govern or to…
Merry Christmas
And a Happy New Year. Never let a good opportunity pass you by. This year, may be the last time you can wish someone a Merry Christmas online, sadly Politically Correct thinking has begun to spread like a cancer across the internet and even in some banks across the nation, where once it was second…
Tax cut myth?
Amazing stuff folks, did you know that a tax is not cut, it is not a break, it is collected. Taxes are collected, so folks, get that through your head. So where do you stand, do you believe that everything this nation was founded on was true? Taxes are not cut taxes are collected, in…