Anti-Second Amendment…

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Are those that are anti-second amendment all hypocrites?

You have to wonder why these people all own guns but do not want you to be able to protect yourself in the event your life is in danger.

They have no problem with protecting their families they just do not want you to have the same rights as they do?

“I know the sense of helplessness that people feel. I know the urge to arm yourself because that’s what I did. I was trained in firearms. I walked to the hospital when my husband was sick. I carried a concealed weapon and I made the determination if somebody was going to try and take me out, I was going to take them with me.” — Dianne Feinstein

Yes, you see that correctly Dianne Feinstein has no problem with defending herself if she is threatened with bodily harm and that is what every American deserves.

But why did they do this?

Dianne Feinstein: She introduced the Assault Weapons Ban of 2013 in the Senate.

This video is revealing and it is something that we all need to watch.

When you see this video you have to wonder what in the world is wrong with people that do not understand plain english, it really is simple, (Shall not infringe) it means NO one shall infringe on the right of the people.

Yet we have these people running the nation, making decisions about what we can and cannot do, all the while they continue to ignore the real problems that need answers.

Perhaps this Senator, lives in an area where no one understands nor cares about their own personal security, does that give them the right to dictate to everyone else?

Again the answer is NO.