Tag: wow
the State of Freedom…
The Constitution clearly provides individual states the Freedom to make its own decisions. Apparently that seems to be a novel concept to many that seem to have this twisted sense of reality. “Planned Parenthood said it will be a “devastating attack,” if the bill passes the Senate and President Trump signs it. Passage means that…
White house files charges against Zimmerman?
Wow, ok hold your breath now, just when you think that the circus in Washington DC cannot get any Crazier, you see something like this. Is this the America you grew up in?
OMG this is Big…
[kc_heading_pac_1_headline_sub size=”50″ color=”#000″ ]They Gave All..[/kc_heading_pac_1_headline_sub] Rarely do you see this kind of thing on TV but this is Amazing… Wow this is unlike anything that you have ever seen before…
Email Exposes Bad Politics
So, Wow, you read this and you think man are these people really the best that America has to offer for representing the American people? The White House announced Tuesday that it is canceling tours of the president’s home for the foreseeable future as the sequester spending cuts begin to bite and the administration makes…
Obama game plan Blame everyone but us?
Wow, it was amazing to see that we have a president that is not capable of leading this nation, So the president came out and blamed, congress, blamed, bush, blamed, the tea party, blamed, the S & P, Blamed, really everyone but the one that is really responsible. Amazing, so what are we going to…
Censorship of the internet?
Wow this is crazy and this is scary, we have serious problems with too much debt, the democrats are crying and saying that the end of the world will occur is they cant continue to spend spend spend, but this is at the top of what they want to do? The problem with this bill…
FEAR Mongering?
Will the US default on its debt? Will there be no money for the Old folks, the disabled, the blind, those with terminal illnesses. The weakest in our society? The most venerable, in other societies, are often held with a kindness and a love, for their contribution to society. That does not seem to be…
Libyan Bombing constitutional or not?
Well there seems to be some issue over the idea on if the President has the authority to decide military issues, while he is on vacation, perhaps there is some small grain of truth to that, but as strange as it might sound, were going to side with the President on this one, while most…