In a move that is sure to draw more criticism, from Advocates of the Don’t Ask Don’t tell spending policy of the US at least the last three years or so, ) Standard and Poors, or should that be Poor, US, not sure which but one thing seems clear the criticism, of the Credit rating Agency is causing a lot of alarm bells to go off on Wall Street, in the form of Sell, Sell, Sell, hurry and Sell, before it goes down too much, Panic on wall street, seems to be the Dog and Pony Show of the day at least at the famous or infamous Fox news.
You have to wonder just what is going on and more importantly what the White-house is prepared to do to stop this mess?
So what does Washington do, they criticize, S&P, Wow, Amazing, stuff folks.
Will moodys, follow suit, in downgrading US economy?
Will we see a depression sell off.
Are we about to see the NYSE, fall for a second time…
Is there any hope that the US will find a method of getting it right so that the economy can get back in step with
the rest of the world?What will happen next because we are seeing some really bad things happen, there are some stock prices that could be good bargains.
What will happen next will the fight between Washington and credit agencies continue?