Tag: stupid
irene obamas katrina?
Slow response? People Stranded? Sound familiar? Is Irene Obamas Katrina? That is a good question, because as of this AM, New Jersey, is waiting for help, from the Pen of President Obama, could there be a political bias at work here, just as many asked President Bush about why it took so long to do…
media lies?
is the media making news or are they lying through their teeth Are they intentionally doing evil in the site of daylight because they think that everyone is too stupid to figure it out.
911 memorial?
No room for the FDNY? No Room for the EMS? NO room for the Clergy? No room for Americans in their own city? Why do we have an anti American memorial service, and is this really some kind of ignorant stupidity? What is going on at the White house, when you have this mentality that…
Gun Rights
In yet another biased (allegedly) fox news story, they had some Euro Trash on there talking about how the riots, in LA were much more destructive than the riots in London, Do those jerks at fox news really think that people are that stupid? You just have to wonder about people like that, because there…
super congress Unconstitutional?
It is Amazing stuff here we are seeing what amounts to allegedly criminal activity by our own congress? This idea of a super committee, with the idea that if they don’t compromise in some way, that benefits Washingtonians view of this mess we are currently in, is not only stupid but unconstitutional. We have…
Stupid Judges?
Over the last few months the trial of Casey Anthony was a great demonstration of how not to prosecute a case. You saw evidence submitted that was not even scientifically sound, (an electronic sniffer gadget) which is based on some pretty shaky, scientific ground, it has been used effectively for detecting criminal actions, like the…
debt crisis lies?
Is there really not a debt crisis? The truth may be stranger than fiction in this case we have Trillions of spending, that everyone fully 94 percent of the American public allegedly agree cannot be sustained for even a moment longer. Everyone with any kind of common sense at all knows that we cannot continue…
Trillions in spending
So what can we do if the democrats do nothing to help stop this crisis. You can vote them out of office, yes the democrats, you remember they had a super majority, in congress and did not pass a budget? So now its the republicans fault that they did not pass a budget when they…
Fox news liars?
Is fox news lying to the American people on purpose or are they allegedly just that stupid? I am really curious about this because it is something that effects everyone. The news story on the Debt Crisis, it is not hard to figure out at all, cut out wasteful spending, and yes, we need a…