Is there really not a debt crisis?
The truth may be stranger than fiction in this case we have Trillions of spending, that everyone fully 94 percent of the American public allegedly agree cannot be sustained for even a moment longer. Everyone with any kind of common sense at all knows that we cannot continue to spend money that we do not have.
Yet, Harry Reid, continues to allegedly stand in the way, the liberal media seems to be crying chicken little, the sky is falling the sky is falling, what will happen, no one really knows.
We have seen this before, right, the Word Crisis, Crisis Crisis, used in every other word and every other breath.
Ask yourself this question, did it work the last four times, that we acted on a “Crisis” ???
We have had, Four Bailouts, to the tune of Trillions of dollars, yet we see no real effect, the result, (Failure)
It did not work, that is what happened, it failed, they said crisis, the media said crisis, and the people said, oh no, lets not have a crisis, do what you have to do and they did or did they? Did they do anything at all or did they just pretend to do something?
That is the question of the day here, what happened to all that money?
What happened, to the 350 Billion that allegedly is still unaccounted for?
Yes, Allegedly $350 Billion dollars, allegedly is missing.
No one knows what has happened to the trillions of dollars, yet, we are now expected to be stupid again we have the media out there yelling crisis, we have Harry Reid yelling Crisis, Crisis, we have everyone yelling Crisis, but is there really a crisis at all?
The question here is a serious one, we have a media that is allegedly openly attempting to subvert the rule of law in the US by saying that there is a crisis when there is not really a crisis, (allegedly)
You have to wonder what the goals of a reporting and news company really is when they do not report the news and instead they promote an agenda that is contrary to the good of the public.
Is the media intentionally working to cause problems for America?
When you see the bobble heads screaming and yelling about things they do not even fully understand and you see these bobble heads, sit there and allegedly tell lies right in front of the camera, you have to ask why do they do this?
Do they think that everyone is as stupid as they are?
It may well be, however, one thing is clear, the American people are not stupid.