Tag: Opportunity
Health Care Crisis the end of America
Is this the end of America and will we have the opportunity to rise above the lies that the media have been trying to make the public believe in. One thing that you need to understand, recognize and acknowledge, is that there is no Affordable Care Act, it has never been implemented, as it…
Abolish the IRS?
Can anyone say that the IRS serves a purpose beyond the idea that somehow the Rich pay less taxes than what they would pay if there was not an IRS? “I think there’s a major opportunity, given the scandal at the IRS, to really get at trying to abolish that agency,” Miller told FOX Business’…
Finding the right way forward
During the Election, we heard a lot of talk about moving forward, yet the election results clearly indicates that this nation is divided. At least half the nation disagrees with the other half. Yet, in the great context that is politics, we have a media that are continuing to uphold only one view. In any…
Vote in 2012
The last opportunity to vote in your life time may happen in the next 24 hours. What will you tell your children about who you voted for? This could be the last chance you have to vote.
Will the war on terror end now?
Years after the 911 Attacks new companies around the world announced that in fact Usama Bin Laden, Is it true? Reports are coming in that a burial at sea has occurred, however it is true? Is he really dead? video below. This is perhaps a bitter sweet ending to what many feel is justified, with…