all you need to know about occupy wall street…

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You know what, in a fox news story, this morning “if true”
the movement known as occupy wall street showed its true colors…

Here is the headline, that you should be reading about…

Homeless in New York turned away from Food at Occupy wall-street movement.

Here is a group of individuals, who claim to support a socialized approach to government. . .

But when it comes down to it, and they have the opportunity to show what they are, they do the selfish thing, they deny homeless, starving people from eating food…

Now that should tell you everything you ever want to know about the Occupy Wall-street movement.

Because if they were really about social change, the very people they turned away the hungry, the cold, the homeless are the ones they claim to be for helping…

In a perfect socialized world, no one is hungry, no one lacks food, or shelter, or any of the basic human requirements.

When it comes down to it, social justice is just a smoke screen for those that would enslave you and deprive you of all the rights they claim to want to provide you with, this is so typical of a liberal.

When given the chance to show how they care, they show how they do not care.

 When given the opportunity to show they value social justice they show that they are no different
than the capitalists that they say they hate.

When given the opportunity to show that what they say and what they do are the same things, they
fail to show any serious intent.

When you look at it this way, you have to come to the conclusion that this group is little more than
the dregs of society, they have no real concerns that they are able to demonstrate are valid or accurate.