Tag: liberals
chris christie
Is Chris Christie a bully or is the media just lying to you over and over again. We see the media and liberals try to paint an ugly picture but the truth is clear.
belonging is it a right?
Who says that the liberal media are not racist? They do that’s who. The media seem to be stuck in this idea that they believe that they can say anything they want and then just apologize. MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry concluded the “What’s So Funny About 2013?” with a chorus of laughter at the black…
Congressional swamp
Back a few years ago, we were reminded that congress is a swamp and should be drained. We think its about time to get started on that process starting with the liberals that have created this mess that we now have for health care.
Criminals will still have guns…
No matter what you think the truth about Gun Laws is that they do not work because criminals will always do what they want and the reason why is simple they are not afraid of breaking the law, Duh, they are criminals. Gun rights advocates have long been chided as “crackpots” by naïve liberals. Many…
Liberal Thinking?
This is how a liberal thinks. Since Most White People Own Guns, If we take away Guns from All White People then crimes by guns will go down. We know this is not only stupid but insane as crimes that are committed by people with a gun are usually not done by a person that…
Keeping your healthcare plan?
Can you keep your health care plan? The truth the media are not telling you about what is really going on. You may think that you fully understand what is happening regarding health care but the truth is unless you are an insider in the insurance industry you will not learn about this truth.…
Ted Cruz?
This is the guy that the liberals love to hate, but why is that exactly… Amazing stuff Tea Party Senator Ted Cruz spoke at length about the state of America at the Family Leadership Summit in Iowa on Saturday. Discussing a wide range of issues, the Texas senator, who has stood firm in a Democrat-controlled…
Laughing at Liberals
You know you have to just laugh at some of the antics you see on Fox news. The other day there was a bobble head on there talking about how bad it would be for the Republicans if they stood their ground on spending too much money without having that money in the treasury. Now…
liberals in denial?
What is wrong with these people… It is Amazing to see what is going on with people who attempt to spin the truth…