Tag: liberals

  • dems making a mistake?

    So should we follow the democrats in the folly of their ignorance or should we follow the path we know. Will America allow the minority of liberals one in 10 thousand, to tell us all how we can live? Why do they think they are so much smarter than anyone who came before them? So…

  • Liberals show how dumb they are?

    Are the liberals showing just how ignorant they really are with trying to stop what is a good bill from the house and trying to change it into a disaster? So what is wrong with someone that allegedly is diligently attempting to sabotage, the stock market, allegedly, this is what is going to happen, if…

  • President Obama, in the right

    So why are the liberals fighting against the President, it cannot be because they have any reason to believe that the American people support them because the polls, and in fact the mid term election was not only a repudiation, of the tactics, of the left, the ideas of the left, the ignorance of the…

  • House passes Dream Act while talking out of the side of its mouth

    What A sad situation in life when we have a bunch of fools and jerks up on congress, well it wont last for long because they are on the way out, and those that are left will also be voted out, it is time for the old donkeys to be voted out of office, because…

  • Donut hole eliminated? is there a hole in your wallet?

    Do you see a hole in the talking points of liberals? The hole is huge, bigger than the Holland tunnel, but hey what up with that, you think that people are that stupid? Donut hole, really, that is all you got. I see donuts all over the place, in fact there must be 4500 of…

  • Freedom of Speech is now Un American

    Thanks, for all the memories, now its time to pack your bags, and you know what is really funny, these clowns up in DC still dont get it, they have not figured out anything at all. They are still just as stupid, (allegedly) as they were before, electing Nancy P again, when it is obvious…

  • election 2012 vote them out

    The people in Washington think that people will forget, that we will just allow them to do what ever they want, that they have no fear of us, but they are wrong, this government is by the people for the people, congress has forgotten that, and this past election cycle was a reminder, however, apparently…

  • Sitting at the back of the Bus?

    What is wrong with the liberals. So the liberals are now saying that the republicans must do as they are told? The republicans have to sit at the back of the bus and do what they are told? Say What? Well that is what has been suggested by the liberals, that now that the republicians…

  • The end of liberty

    Are we facing the end of liberty as we know it? Are the liberals going to drive the car into the ditch?

  • nancy pelosi has been fired

    The trash allegedly has been taken out. Let there be no doubt, Nancy Failed, she allegedly intended to destroy American values and allegedly she tried to nullify the blood shed by countless Americans defending our nation, sadly alleged delusion is not what our nation is all about. After two years, of the worst policy to…