Tag: liberals
Child Labor?
Many years ago there were serious problems with child labor and many of these problems became a movement. The biggest issue of child labor was that children were being literally worked to death. Images of the faces of haunted souls who worked until their fingers bled and then worked more. So there are hundreds of…
Media Struggle with talking points
The Media are struggling and mighty is the dust it its demise. The news that came out this weekend is so disturbing to liberals and the democrat party that the media seem to have begun to scratch and itch with abandon. They seem like (no offense to junkies) Like Junkies with this ideology of…
thugs try to kill cop?
You just never know what you might face on the streets these days. The thing is most people do not realize or even remotely understand just how dangerous it is in many places right here in the US. Source Three Thugs Dragged Cop Into Woods To Kill Him – Then An Unlikely Hero Emerged Out…
Ben Carson Too nice to be president?
Do we as Americans view people like Hillary Clinton as the most dishonest person who wants to be president? It is a strange thing when white people attack a black person running for president as a possible racist… That is the thing with these liberals like Hillary, (allegedly) who has come out attacking Ben Carson……
Jeb Bush the next president?
Could Jeb Bush be the next president? The thought of another Bush being president is likely to cause the liberals of the far left to go insane, foam at the mouth, have fits and convulsions. Think about it, Common Core is nonsense. Yet Jeb would advocate it? this is what Jeb Bush wants for America?…
Are Celebrities really this dumb?
We often wonder how some of these celebrities manage to act on screen so convincingly when they tend to say some of the most ignorant things you can imagine. source. The grand jury in Ferguson reached a decision to not indict Officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown. Their decision came after…
Heavy voter turnout…
In this election year we are beginning to see something that the liberals are terrified of and that is voter turn out. They fear it like nothing else because it means that the alleged voter fraud that they engage in year after year is not as effective as it once was. Its time to vote…
Joni Earnst Make them Squeal
The message here is a clear one and it is one that makes sense, there is one thing that the liberals operating in IOWA seem to forget the people are if nothing logical. They have common sense values that Washington has forgotten and they do not even understand the basics of how to survive in…
Name Calling Thugs?
Imagine what it would be like if you were accused of being a racist just because of the views you have… The truth about liberals and name calling is clear Source Niger Innis People often ask me if it is hard to be a black conservative. My answer is an emphatic NO. What would be…
Old White Men
You have likely heard the talking points of some liberals out there where anyone who disagrees with them are labeled as old white men. But is this really correct and true? What about old people of other races? All our lives we have been taught that a persons skin color does not dictate what he…