Tag: liars
Head of VA resigns
The head of the Veterans Administration a good man by all accounts resigned in disgrace. Many feel that he failed because when he asked if things were being done they told him lies. Simple as that right but the problem is something that is a desperate problem, liars in positions of responsibility.
ABC, CBS, NBC, loose more viewers?
What used to be is no more… The generation that once knew the broadcast networks as the only source of news is no more. The truth is things have changed and the media has become so corrupted that they no longer report the news in a fair way at all. In fact they black out…
Media corruption
The Media are once again gearing up for the 2014 election cycle with all kinds of news stories designed to create an illusion that is in reality a lie. They engage in lies over a period of time very often they have no real facts to present but that does not stop them from reporting…
On Goverment Shut Down?
Will the government shut down as the politicians predict doom and gloom along with the apocalypse the collapse of the stock market and last but not least trying to blame it on one party or another. Why the republicans will probably cave in and just do what is wanted… The republicans are stupid, its fair…
Traitor Benedict Arnold?
Is this the truth or are we all liars.
Gun Control Ban…
The CDC has come out with a report that suggests that half of America is Mentally ill? Wow, that is some kind of scientific poll right? The very idea that the CDC (which by the way is a little off balance here on this news report,) Could be so foolish as to publish such a…
boehner is he really leading?
You might wonder what the gentle giant of the house is up to and you would be right to be concerned. Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) pledged his support Wednesday for the House version of the $940 billion farm bill, roughly 80% of which will go to fund food stamps over the next ten years. What…
Harry Reid Obstructs the Senate Again?
Well you might think that people are being deceived by the media when you hear all about this GOP obstruction, but is that really true… On Wednesday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) blocked a vote on the border security amendment to the “Gang of Eight” immigration bill offered by Senate Judiciary Committee ranking member…
When liars speak…
There are so many issues that are so important why can we not speak the truth…
Lies are all of the leaders in washington liars?
We have watched our TVs and have seen no one with the ability it would seem to be able to tell the truth. What is going on, they compare the times of these issues to the Watergate hearings, but you know what you can see a certain amount of fear and respect as well as…