On Goverment Shut Down?

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Will the government shut down as the politicians predict doom and gloom along with the apocalypse the collapse of the stock market and last but not least trying to blame it on one party or another.

Why the republicans will probably cave in and just do what is wanted…

The republicans are stupid, its fair and its true.

Why is that you say?

It is really very simple, the Media will blame the republicans no matter who in the end is responsible for a partial less than 30 day shutdown. So, if the republicans were actually smart they would come to the understanding that they are going to be blamed for what ever happens, if something bad (according to the media) happens the republicans will get blamed for it, IF, something good happens, the democrats will get the credit.

Why again?

The media is totally and completely biased and corrupt.

So, we have talking heads, that are forecasting gloom and doom, but they are liars, mostly because they want to pump it up to fit into their agenda. It is bull pucky and they know it is but they will continue to run the gambit of lies deciet and foolishness and once again?


Because they can get away with it, scare tactics that are baseless and arrogant ignorance. 

The media are really not very smart but the problem is that people still believe in what they say or at least the media hope that is the case if the media are wrong then this will backfire on the democrats and the media corrupt machine that lies to the American people every single day.

So who is smarter, the Media who lies to you every day, the democrats that lie to themselves and actually believe the bull pucky that comes out of their mouths or the republicans that fail to understand that because they will be blamed for what ever happens if its bad, then to be honest and truthful the republicans are the dumbest people on the face of the planet.

When you Enemy tells you that your making a mistake by trying to reset the government that is out of control and that you will take a hit politically if you do this, then why are you going to believe them, after all since when did a democrat care what happens to a republican anyway?

You see the truth is that most (allegedly) democrats cannot tell the truth if they were forced to do so they believe the bull crap that comes out of their mouths, so they are allegedly insane, so who cares, shut it down, reset the government.

If the media are saying that its the end of time, that horrible things will happen if it is truth that they are liars, then the opposite of what they say must be true.

If the media cannot tell the truth because they are mentally ill, then the truth must be that a reset of the government must be the only thing that will bring them to the understanding of the truth.

So lets see what happens, will re republicans (those that pretend to be but are not really republicans)