Tag: Insurance

  • Insurance companies say No

    Insurance companies have proven over and over again that they cannot be trusted to do the right thing when it comes to subscribers. They Deny, Delay and Defend. They refuse to do the right thing while spending money and paying outrageous salaries to the top executives all the while making promises they allegedly never intend…

  • Insurance companies or Congress?

    Who is to blame for this huge mess that we have here? Think about it for a moment before you make up your minds. On one hand we have an industry that is corrupt to its core, wait that could be both congress and the insurance industry.  But yes, the insurance companies are taking advantage…

  • Health Care Pain

    The truth about health care and insurance companies. You may wonder about all the talk about the mess that has been created in the health care industry. You would be right to worry… What you do not know about the health care insurance industry could kill you. Insurance is really a simple thing, however insurance…

  • Keeping your healthcare plan?

    Can you keep your health care plan? The truth the media are not telling you about what is really going on.   You may think that you fully understand what is happening regarding health care but the truth is unless you are an insider in the insurance industry you will not learn about this truth.…

  • Insurance that does nothing

    If you have been looking at buying or purchasing insurance recently you may have realized that there are some serious problems, costs have gone up not down as was promised as well doctors have to be a member, pharmacies also have to be in the “network” When you begin to add all this up it…

  • Health Care?

    The hottest subject in discussion just about everywhere online and off line is health care. Can you get it and if you do get it does it do what you need it to do for you? The problem with health care is that so many people believe that the Affordable Care Act will somehow fix…

  • should everyone get special treatment?

    Obama Care, AKA the Affordable Care Act, would seem to be some kind of thing that looks good on paper but in the real world seems to be somewhat of a non starter.   The thing here is this if and that is a very big IF, Obama care is so great then why are…

  • HealthCare Reform is needed

    We desperately need health care reform. the truth about the health care system is that if you are unfortunate enough to have lost or not have access to health insurance and you need life saving surgery, you cannot get it at all. The affordable care act failed…  

  • Health care no more

    The truth about the condition of the health care system is becoming a thing that were it known would be very alarming. Health care truths, Younger doctors are not as well trained. Physician assistants are even less informed about medicine and treatment procedures. RN nurses can be biased and uncaring, along with a lack of…

  • Why you cant repeal Obama Care

    Trying to Repeal Obama Care, AKA, the Affordable Care Act, is never going to help the health care system. The time to repeal it would have been as soon as they realized that Nancy Pelosi, was wrong about passing it so you could know what was in it. The reason why it needs to be…